10 challenges

In 2020, due to exceptional health conditions, the PAW was partly dematerialized. The Générations Futures team came up with the idea of creating an online challenge. Building on the success of this first edition, the 10 challenges are back for PAW 2024!


Download the 10 challenge rules


How do I participate? 

Take photos or videos of your challenges and send them to the following address => alternatives@generations-futures.fr

To help us all find one another add the #SPAP2024 and #AlterativesPesticides below your publication.

You can also post your successes on social networks (they earn points) and tag us in your publications:

  • @SemaineAlterPesticides on Facebook 
  • @Alter_Pesticide on Twitter 
  • @alternatives_pesticides on Instragram

Then send us the URL of your publication via the form at the bottom of this page so that we can keep track of it. If you need help, click here for technical explanations.

Don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail at alternatives@generations-futures.fr for any questions.


Click on the challenges to show more details for the 2024 edition. 👇

    Si vous n'avez pas de réseaux sociaux, vous pouvez nous l'envoyer à defis-spap@generations-futures.fr

    En complétant ce formulaire, vous acceptez que l’association Générations Futures, responsable de traitement, traite vos données personnelles pour vous permettre de recevoir des informations. Pour en savoir plus sur vos droits et nos pratiques en matières de protection de vos données personnelles : mentions légales

    Challenge N°1: Silence, it’s growing

    Get planting! Make your seedlings and share their progress with us on social networks or by e-mail at alternatives@generations-futures.fr.

    Challenge N°2 : Garden Naturally

    Do you already have an organic garden, an organic vegetable patch or just a few plantings at the bottom of your garden? Share your best tips for pesticide-free gardening. You can share your best gardening tips: mulching, variety selection, farmer seeds, compost, etc. 


    You can draw inspiration from the 13 episodes of « Gardening without pesticides » (in French), a video series published by our partners at Terre et Humanisme.

    Challenge N°3: Strike a pose

    Take a photo of a field or vegetable garden full of diversity and overflowing with healthy life.

    Challenge N°4: Show PAW

    Do you feel like an artist, or do you simply want to take up graphic design? Use your imagination!

    Create a poster (digital or not), a banner or any other medium to promote SPAP. Engaging, informative, poetic… the choice is yours.


    Take a photo of your creation and send it to the Générations Futures team

    Challenge N°5: Organic cities

    Ask for 100% organic meals in your collectivities to preserve little ones and grown-ups health. Ask your local elected officials to get involved in environmental actions. You can also advice your local elected officials to take part in a happening within the SPAP framework: a conference, a film projection followed by a discussion… 

    Share your experience and adventures by e-mail at alternatives@generations-futures.fr and promote then on social networks.

    Challenge N°6: Shake up your policies

    Shake up your representative gives you a voice in public policy on health and the environment, and allows you to question decision-makers, civil servants, members of government, elected representatives, and candidates in future major elections, at local, national, and European level! So take part in an interpellation or consultation on the « Shake your politics » platform!

    Challenge N°7: To your recipes!

    Revisit your favorite recipe using healthy, organic, local and seasonal products.

    Then post a photo and the recipe of this meal on social networks or send it to us by e-mail at alternatives@generations-futures.fr.

    The health benefits of organic are proven. The European Health Agency measured that 44% of conventional foods contain at least one pesticide residue, compared to 6.5% of organic foods (EFSA 2018). Due to the endocrine disruption and carcinogenicity of certain pesticides, Générations Futures revealed in January 2021 that organic is associated with a reduced risk of cancer, but also of diabetes and obesity.

    Challenge N°8: A buzzing post

    Publish a post about organic farming! The best posts will be shared on our official account!

    Challenge N°9: Get your pencils ready!

    Take part in Graines d’Artistes or encourage your friends and family to do so!

    For practical information, visit the Artists’ Seed Competition page.

    Take a photo of your creation and send it to the Générations Futures team.


    Give visibility to your creation by posting it on social networks or sharing it by e-mail at alternatives@generations-futures.fr.  

    Download the poster and instructions

    Challenge N°10: True or false?

    Take the pesticide quiz! Coming soon online for the 19th edition of the Week for Alternatives to Pesticides.

    And share the results 💪